Career Panel Discussions: EAS Series
This is Zaman University's first installment of the "Career Panel Discussions", and is FREE & OPEN to the public!
Zaman University's "Career Panel Discussion Series" is created as a platform for Cambodia's top companies and organizations to showcase their profiles, mission, work culture, and potential vacancies. Similarly, this event is aimed at facilitating students' preparation for internships and/or full-time employment.
Guest panelists will be representing the following companies and organizations:
AEON Specialized Bank (Cambodia) Plc.
Borey Peng Houth
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Cambodia (KAS)
Manulife (Cambodia) Plc.
Phnom Penh Securities, Plc.
The Asia Foundation
This is a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to network with top organizations and companies in a variety of fields. There will even be an opportunity to submit your CVs to the recruitment teams from: Borey Peng Huoth, and AEON Specialized Bank Plc.
Come with your questions for the Q & A session after our special guest panelists present.
Look foward to see you on Friday June 9th. Please remember to RSVP to our event page on Facebook!